
Expert Florida Wildlife Removal.

Snake Removal – Bradenton, FL – Molter Termite and Pest Control
There are six venomous snakes in Florida, and two only live in the panhandle area. That only leaves the Eastern Diamondback Rattle Snake, Water Mocassin, Pygmy Rattler and Coral Snake to worry about. All other snakes you may encounter in your yard or property are non-venomous. They may bite you, but won't probably kill you.

Of course, now we have to also worry about large constrictors coming from the south as well. Mostly, they have made off with small pets, not humans.

A venomous snake is most dangerous if surprised or provoked. Many venomous snakes of Florida give a warning (such as the rattle of a rattlesnake) or other signs like posturing before striking, though this is not always the case. Snakes must be within striking range in order to cause a solid bite. This varies by snake, but can be up to half the snake's body length. Most venomous snake bites fall under accident categories, and (as evidenced by the high number of hand and arm bites) careless handling or provoking

Most people are bitten when trying to kill or handle a snake. As a general rule, snakes are just as frightened of you as possibly you are of them. Often they move as quickly as possible in the other direction. Snakes cause no property damage, but seeing a snake or its shed (skin) may frighten some people.

Snakes are seen more often in the spring or fall as they search for food or move to and from a hibernation area. Snakes frequently are associated with small mammal habitat because rodents are a primary food source. For this reason snakes are considered beneficial to man.

There are two forms of control measures that can be taken (non-lethal and lethal). The difference is that while non-lethal measures can be taken at any time, lethal measures can only be taken when a snake is seen.

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